Hello everyone, my name is Elise Brooklyn and this is Scattering Flowers, a podcast where we scatter flowers of faith.
I’m so happy to be with you reading the daily Gospels together.
Let’s get started! Today is Tuesday, March 4th, and we will be reading Mark 10, 28-31.
Follow along in your Bible if you have one.
Now, let’s see Mark 10, 28-31.
Jesus told Peter that great blessings would come to those that have less for Jesus.
Jesus is our example.
He is the one we must try and be like.
He gave up more than any of us will ever give up.
His own life.
Will you give up a little to follow Him?
Think about this.
Our Lenten season starts soon.
Let’s give up a little time for Jesus.
Let’s pray.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Dear God, thank you for giving up your life for us.
Help us to remember you, especially during this Lenten season.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you so much for listening.
I’ll be back tomorrow scattering more flowers.
See ya!