Hi! My name is Elise Brooklynn and I live on the East Coast. I like to hang out with my little brother and mom and dad. I have a passion for art, tap dancing, and singing.
I think it’s important to keep up on reading the Bible every day, because it makes you closer to Jesus and you can grow in faith. That’s why I named my podcast Scattering Flowers: because of my favorite Saint, St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
🤓 details
📖 I like reading from the Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition Bible (this one is my favorite), but any Bible you have to follow along with is great!
🌸 The logo of this site is a drawing of mine - it’s a picture of me watering flowers with the scriptures to represent how we grow in our faith through God’s Word.
🎙️ All recording is done via Wavelength and is hosted on Microblog.
👨💻 My dad (who helps me with this podcast and website) also blogs, and you can read more about him here.
📧 If you have any questions or comments about the show, please feel free to email me directly.
🗞️ Don’t forget to sign up for my email newsletter to receive each podcast via email!
☕️ And, If you’d like to support us and help us make the show even better, consider donating! 🙏