214. Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hello everyone! My name is Elise Brooklyn and this is Scattering Flowers, a podcast where we scatter flowers of faith.

I’m so happy to be with you reading the Daily Gospels together.

Let’s get started! Today is Wednesday, January 22nd, and we’ll be reading Mark 3, 1-6.

Follow along in your Bible if you have one.

Now let’s see Mark 3, 1-6.

Again, he entered the synagogue, and a man was there who had a withered hand, and they watched him to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they may accuse him.

And he said to the man with the withered hand, Come here.

And he said to them, Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save a life or to kill?

But they were silent.

And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at the hardness of their hearts.

And he said to the man, Stretch out your hand.

He stretched it out, and his hand was restored.

The Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the Herodians against him how to destroy him.

Today’s reading is about how Jesus has compassion on a man.

Compassion means love and concern for others.

It made me think of a prayer we learn about in school.

Teresa of Avila prayed, Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours.

Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassionately on the world.

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good.

Yours are the hands with which he blesses all the world.

Let’s pray.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Dear Jesus, please help me to remember to use my hands to do the right thing.


In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Thank you so much for listening.

I’ll be back tomorrow scattering more flowers.

See ya!

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